buffy and cinnamon rolls
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at 9:00PM
Dayne Morris in Life

Ugh, the Holidays.
As if every sunday (our day to spend watching buffy and eating cinnamon rolls) wasn't bad enough.
As if I didn't realize on the 2nd it would be our monthiversary.
As if lying in bed with a perfectly good (for you despite my snoring) nook without your presence wasn't growing cold.
There's nothing like the Holidays to make me feel specifically alone, especially when I had spent a few with you; the person I thought I'd be spending the rest of them with.
Alas, those days are past, that chapter (as you so aptly put it) is over. Knowing that, however, doesn't make it any easier, doesn't make me hurt any less, doesn't make me miss you any less.
It is, in fact, more difficult to know:
that your favorite holiday, Halloween, was another night I spent thinking about our knight/damsel matching costumes, or one night in a bar, you didn't seem to mind that my costume was me in everyday life;
that Thanksgiving has just passed and the times we spent with your family, our family, in Minnesota;
that Xmas is around the corner and we had our little tree, our perfect-for-us little tree, or a vacation at the Alamo;
that New Year's Eve is another hop skip and a jump away, remembering that one year that I missed kissing you and you missed kissing me or that we spent an evening eating tapas and bumping into everyone around us while attempting to dance salsa.

My memories of you, of us, are so wonderful and yet so painful.
I love you,
I always have and
I always will; and
I hope that during your Holidays you're making new wonderful memories.

Article originally appeared on Dayne M. Morris (http://daynemorris.com/).
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