girls are scary
Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 1:32PM
Dayne Morris in Life, Opine

The truth of the matter is, you scare the crap out of me. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. 

Mentally: You have a mind that defies my explanation at times. I think I'm an intelligent human being, and have been told so by people other than my mother and my therapist, which leads me to believe it is actually true. However, there is something about your intellect, your wit, your use of the English Language and the way you take words apart, turn them inside-out and upside-down then use them again in a wholly different way that amazes and terrifies me. I love words. I love manipulating words. I love finding the tertiary meaning of a word and putting it to use in daily life, and frankly, the way you make words bend to your every will and whim knocks my socks off. I have always been challenged by the female mind, so much so in fact that it makes women a hell of a lot more interesting to be around than men. But scare me to death it does. 
Emotionally: Outside of the mental stimulation of conversation there is a realm of emotional reaction to a girl's words, her personality, her presence, among others; and those little bits and pieces have a way of pulling at the heartstrings, as it were, and iliciting feelings, for lack of a better description, of all persuasions. The gambit of emotions I've known from my contact with women range from sheer delight to utter dismay, and every d-word in between. Holding the knowledge that another human being can, with nary a word, trip my normal emotional stability to one of confusion and instability; -that is the definition of scary.
Physically: Of course, I'm a man; you're a woman. No math applies here, but the simple magical art called chemistry. It amazes me how chemistry works, one person you have it with, another you do not. And how that chemistry can be muted or exaggerated by the woman form and your use of it, via clothes, body language, etc. Your ability to bend my will to your whim by accentuation of a few key factors scares me.
Now, I don't know if you noticed or not, I know I did, but everything above refers to control. Not through some kind of silly power struggle between this generic "girl" and me, but my lack of control over my own thoughts, feelings and physical reactions. I like to think I am quite in control of myself and my interactions with the world around me, but when the inevitable woman crosses my path and intruiges me in more than one (because one usually isn't enough) of the above categories my identification with the control I love so dearly is lost, banished into the abyss of consciousness by the intrinsic human need and want for those above connections. 
That the need and want over-rides is scary. SCARY.


Article originally appeared on Dayne M. Morris (
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