the bright side
Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 3:42AM
Dayne Morris in Life
When one is trying to make changes in one's life, trying to make a new place for himself, trying to set out on a new path and trying create a better future, one has to maintain a certain amount of positivity, and in those times when the changes, the place, the path, the future hits bumps along the way that positivity requires a stubborn decisiveness that the outcome is in fact possible and needs only more, better work to obtain the wanted ends. Simply being positive can at times be the only thing keeping one on track.
Among the list of failed relationships I've had, one of the key reasons for said failures and one of the worst qualities I posess, as I've been told directly, is my abundant negativity. Of course, I brush this off as realism, as any good denier of negative character traits would, and move along my merry way. I've been likened to a grumpy old man, an angry supervillain, a passive-aggressive asshole; among others. Admittedly it's difficult for me to be positive, or should I say, it's difficult for me to not be negative. I don't know what it is about the structure of my psyche that expects, and/or hopes things to go/be sour, but it's there. 
It doesn't help that it's three in the morning, I don't have anywhere to go or anything to do, I'm worried about money, worried about a job, worried about being alone, my life, where I'm going, what I'm doing, what I've done or not done to help or hinder my situation. I think for me being positive has a lot to do with having an amount of control over a situation, when i feel less control I feel less positive. What I fail to recognize is that the reverse may also hold true, if I feel more positive I can take more control. At least, that's what I have to assume. But, like I said, positive is tough for me. 
Where do people get positive? How do they come across it? How do they foster it? 
Article originally appeared on Dayne M. Morris (
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