Happy Birthday
Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 9:56AM
Dayne Morris
I just want to call and say it.
I just want to get a card and send it.
I just want to show up and blurt it out.
I just want to throw my arms out and give a birthday hug.
I just want to grab and give a birthday kiss. 
But what I want is irrelevant;
made so by my own actions. 
made so by my own decisions.
made so by my own cowardice. 
I regret that I am too late.
Fortune favors the bold; but
I have not been brave. 
The day must be seized; but
I let it slip away.
You gave me your all; but
I held back my own. 
I wish for
your every need to be met
your every dream to come true
your every want to be fulfilled
your every wish to be granted.
Happy Birthday,
my love,
my sweet,
my babe,
my precious,
May you have everything your heart desires. 


Article originally appeared on Dayne M. Morris (http://daynemorris.com/).
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