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T-minus 24 days and counting...

EMBED-Mass Effect 2 Full Cinematic Trailer - Watch more free videos

Rarely does something in the video game world catch my attention on such a huge level as to compel me to play it through more than 4 times; games just aren't that interesting. There are, however, some that have such a visual appeal, such an engrossing story, such great gameplay that I am mesmerized. If you've never played Mass Effect and you have even the smallest inkling in your heart for anything RPG (Role Playing Game for the uninitiated) then you really should pick it up.

Are there annoying elevator scenes where the next level is loading and you get to sit and do nothing? Yes. Are there different areas you can go into, with a vehicle that is too slow across terrain that is obtuse, where you can hunt for hidden treasure? Yes. Are there far more items, weapons, ammo and armor upgrades, combinations and load-outs than you can keep track of? Absolutely. Are there subplots,  sidequests and an intermingling of personal stories from 6 other characters in which you can get involved? Yes. Is there alien-human girl-on-girl action? Absofuckinglutely. Hey, I know where the priorities are.

Now I haven't played the sequel Mass Effect 2 and won't get to until Jan26, so I don't know if it's good, but you can count on me playing it shortly thereafter.

Bioware's Mass Effect 2 Site

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