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Well, since 33 is right around the corner, meaning I will be 33 years old, I thought I would do a little tribute to 33. Cause it's cool, or something. 

First, a wikilink to 33 (the number, not the year and not the disambiguation). Which isn't funny if you've never been a wiki-ite. Anywho, so you don't have to read the whole wikipagia on 33, I'll give you the highlights. I will be 33 and that's about it. No, seriously. 
  • 33 is the name of the first episode of the new Battlestar Gallactica. And I'm a geek.
  • 33 is the country code to call France. I've been to France, see the link.
  • 33 is the atomic number for Arsenic. Arsenic kills people; no relation.
  • The intellectual cycle, one of three fundamental biorhythm cycles is 33 days long. The intellectual cycle regulates intelligence, logic, mental reaction, alertness, sense of direction, decision-making, judgment, power of deduction, memory, and ambition. On my birthday this year I will be at the peak of my 33 day intellectual cycle, meaning I will be smarter than everything and everyone. I'll be taking that day off. Check out yours.
  • A normal human spine has 33 vertebrae when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually in which pass 33 pairs of nervous groups. So, technically everyone under 33 is spineless...Eat that.
  • 33 is, according to the Newton scale, the temperature when water boils. And it relates because I like Fig Newtons and I'm hot.
  • Allegedly, some guy named Jesus (no lastey, like Cher) performed 33 miracles and died when he was 33. I'm smart, I've spread out my miracles a little better so I can live longer. Also, Krishna, the god with 16,000 wives and 180,000 sons, died to repurchase the Karma of the humanity at 33.
  • 33 rpm is the speed of an LP. I used to own LP's.
  • 33 is the coming of age of a hobbit in The Lord of the Rings. I have better feet than a hobbit, but I still haven't come of age as of yet.
  • Dante wrote the Divine Comedy in 3 canticas - each consisting of 33 cantos. His name begins with D and I was thinking about getting a game called Dante's Inferno.
  • The highest title you can recieve as a member of the Free Masons is rank 33 or the Illuminati. I have the Illuminati Trilogy at home, I haven't read it, but I have it.
  • Title 33 is the U.S. Code that deals with Navigation and Navigable Waters. I'm a Water Resources Engineer.
  • The Planck Limit of quantum physics describes the smallest possible theoretical particle in the known universe as having a size no smaller than 10-33cc (cubic centimeters for you stupid Americans). 
  • The place where 33°30'N, meets 33°30'E, is near the Southern end of the island of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean Sea, believed to host vast, unexplored archeological resources from nearby ancient cultures, allegedly even the lost city of Atlantis. Recent sonar imagery of the region reveals underwater structures resembling canals measuring 330 ft. wide with 33 ft. high walls. Dig that shit up.
  • Number 33, 1949 by Jackson Pollock has me in it with one of my voices sitting on my shoulder. No, it's not a Rorschach and I'm totally serious. And now I'm creeped out.
  • According to R. Allendy, "this number shows the free activity of the being in the organization of the world. It shows the free creature related to the plans of the Creator by links of justice and love or by the providential intermediaries". This number is seen thus connected to the Karma - 3 + 3 = 6. 
  • 33 is the number of turns in a complete sequence of DNA. Last I checked I have a complete sequence of DNA.
  • Vintage Queens Number 33 (Agent Lynch) is a Londoner, a redhead and hot, all things I dig (big-time).
In short, 33 is effed up; in all sorts of ways. And it's old. Cheers.


It has a beautiful symmetry to it, doesn't it? I wonder what it means when the lines cross.

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Reader Comments (1)

Did I tell you I thought this "33" was pretty interesting?
Can yo do anything with, "just pain OLD? Haha!!!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterG'ma

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