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$7,000??  SOLD!!!

I love geeks. Their ingenuity, their creativity, their imagination and their creepy desperation never fails to impress. 

And now that has been taken to the next level. Companionship without another person. Sure, for some of us life really isn't worth living without the inclusion of another PERSON to share it with, but we all have to admit that other people aren't the answer for some people. I might even include myself in that depending upon the circumstances. That's irrelevant really, and even the use of this robot isn't really relevant. What is relevant, however, is the fact that computer programmers and hardware manufacturers can put their heads together and create a device that can interact with a real person. We've all had conversations with the computer phone operators who ask us to repeat "One" twelve times before it hears us. You're currently staring at a computer that I'm sure you've cussed out a time or two because when you went to click send or print all it did was stare back at you blankly and refuse. Put aside the fact that this is a sex toy and imagine where this could lead. There are countless books and films re: the affect/impact upon humanity of robots who interact with humans; AI, Bicentennial Man, I, Robot, Terminator, etc. Are we really technologically advanced enough to begin the journey down that path?

The news and talk shows and society have laughed at the inventors and potential users of this device. Society never accepts something it doesn't understand. Forget social acceptance. Who gives a shit about a society that doesn't accept homosexuality, that watches reality tv, that drowns their sorrows in gallons of alcohol, that needs to fill their time surrounded by people almost as obnoxious as themselves and that obsesses about Tiger Woods' sex life like it's any of their fucking business. I say carry on man. If society doesn't accept your choices about companions, then maybe it is time for us to begin the evolution of a new society. I'll take two, it's cheaper than getting married.

All hail our Machine Overlords!! Though I do wish they would make her a little cuter.


Inventor Douglas Hines with Roxxxy, his computerized sex robot that can carry on a conversation and have a simulated orgasm.


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