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evolution always wins

I've always been a fan of evolution; you take something, you add in a little variety of DNA, you make it better. Simple right? With each successive generation of an organism it becomes more and more adept at living in the world. I've also argued that we humans have taken evolution and thrown it out the window; that in order to have a society, we have to become "civilized" and instead of throwing out the weaker, i.e. less suited, generations of humans we must pick them up, help them out, and and guide them into the future. That is what I use to make my case that we have snubbed the natural order of things and stopped our evolution, because really we are no different than our ancestors 10,000 years ago. Sure we have miraculous technology and all of this learning and we may be a wee bit taller (and definitely fatter), but that is all based upon intelligence we received oh so long ago. What I didn't notice, however, is the quite subtle tricks Mother Nature plays on those weaker of us to keep us from procreating and carrying our line into the future. And by us I mean me. I've decided that part of the natural weeding out process is the lack of capacity for the individual to get and maintain a consenting mate with whom to propagate the species, maybe even more so than the lack of an interested mate due to the genetic makeup of said individual. Simply put, some people (again, referring to myself) are supposed to be alone, not because there aren't enough viable candidates or interested parties and the like, but because I am unable, incapable, unwilling, uninterested, in finding, getting and keeping a mate. Often it is said that there is someone for everyone, and my theory that evolution has stopped in humans means that it is potentially true, if we're throwing out genetic criterion for reproduction, but if we take both of those as co-existing in our society then we must admit that not everyone can have someone. The numbers alone don't support it. Math never lies; let's say that the population of people from the ages of 29-37 worldwide is 50% of total population, that's about 3 billion people and the male-female ratio of the same age group is 50.2% to 49.8%, that's 1.506 billion to 1.494 billion, that's 12 million extra males. Disregarding the fact that they don't stay within the age group, etc. 

But, math isn't what I'm talking about. Sure the math shows us that not all people will get a mate, that's external; and what I'm referring to is internal to a person, to me. So, say in order to balance out the above 0.4% disparity, Mother Nature decides that some people will be born with the lack of interest, the lack of social intelligence to the detriment of the person, or even as far as a social phobia to appease that gap in the population and ease the requirements of progeny.

In other words, I am alone because I am supposed to be alone. Mother Nature has decreed that not only am I not going to have offspring but I'm also not going to find a suitable mate because my genetic material shouldn't be passed along. I'm sure there are more than a few of my exes who would agree with that. My life makes so much sense when viewed through this piece of information; the number of great girls I've met, fallen for, spent time with and eventually got rid of for no good reason. My yearning for fitting in wherever I go and never finding a niche that is accepting of me nor I of it. This unmistakable sense that no matter what I do I cannot seem to make this world fit my needs nor make my needs fit in this world (or a compromise of both). So I guess I should decide if I'm going to be a mean and nasty asshole because I got screwed on the DNA front, or if I'm going to just grin and bear it and be naturally selected out like the dodo. Cheers.

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