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Return to my dreams

You’ve made a return to my dreams as of late. I don’t typically remember my dreams, but when I do, they’re usually part of a revelation of some kind a day or two later. Who knows what will come of this one.

In this strange little adaptation of life I am a Jedi, but not the cool, sexy, all-knowing British accent Ewan kind, nor the whiny, someone killed my mom, I’m in love with a princess kind; more like the I’m afraid of my powers and what if I slip up and destroy people with them kind. This so happens to be a fear of mine of the last couple of years; not that I can kill people with the force, but that with my words, actions, etc. I can be of great benefit or do great harm to people. So much so in fact that I’m afraid to interact with people; specifically women, because of the trust and promises my words engender. So transpose trust with force powers and you can see parallels.

Anyway, as I am on some sort of quest or job or something, I go to a master/the master/my master, whatever that person was, who as it turns out was more like a Dumpledore than a Yoda to explain my fears, to seek guidance. The master’s location is my grandparent’s house (don’t know what that’s about but seeing that it played a prominent role in my upbringing it’s not surprising it plays a part here) and I proceed to tell him of my fears; my fear of my own destiny, my fear of the strength of my powers, my fear of using them for the wrong reason, my fear that if not used properly my powers could mean the end of lives around me. Now I wish I could remember the sage’s advice; that insight would be quite helpful to me in real life. Not only because I believe this dream is a manifestation of things in my world, but also because usually the answers my dreams have apply to my situations in life. So I walk out of this meeting, sad, upset, crying, broken, ashamed, guilty, afraid and feeling no better than I went in, walking down the long hall (again from my grandparents) turn the corner into the kitchen, and there you are.

Something about you in this dream is different than your presence in the ones before. In previous dreams you’ve been interactive, near, talkative, approachable (I’m leaving out the naughty bits in those other dreams because they don’t apply). In this dream you are quite the opposite, as if I’m watching through a pane of glass; untouchable, unaware (or ignoring) my presence, detached, far. I don’t know what this means either, I’m not sure I’d hazard a speculation. As I try to approach you your dad, probably not your dad but a male person who now has no physical likeness, stops me and mentions something about some stuff on a table outside, as if I should do something about it but isn’t anything I should be doing something about because I’m a Jedi and not a waiter (yes, waiter is exactly the feeling I was getting from you about my part in his query); and I reply, “Did you want me to take care of that now, sir?”

And then the alarm went off. That’s it. So maybe beyond the Jedi powers and the sense of seeing you through an impenetrable pane of glass there really is nothing in this dream. But getting it down “on paper” does bring me some? relief?


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Reader Comments (24)

another one of those mentally tortured thingies that needs to go away. not to be a crazy dramatic or anything. I'm cleaning for a while but I will soon. numeros por favor?

August 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJessie

Um, ok. It's on my Facebook.

August 18, 2010 | Registered CommenterDayne Morris

you seem freaked out. don't freak out. xD

August 18, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJessie

I can freak if I want. Maybe I'm not freaking out enough.

August 18, 2010 | Registered CommenterDayne Morris
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