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Pluto is my favorite planet

Yea, that's right, I called it a planet, even though the stupid scientists don't think it is. Idiots. When we find the Mass Relay out there people will give Pluto more respect.

Nasa Pictures


mosspuppet strikes again...

Walt Mosspuppet is fraking awesome.


M: Breathtaking! It’s so revolutionary!

S: No it isn’t. We literally took the existing iPod touch, put in a faster processor and a bigger screen, and that’s it. Okay? It is just a smartphone without the phone. But that doesn’t matter, because no matter what we do, you assholes’ll buy it.


pieces of me (Part 1 of ?)

There is something about that voice in your head. Or voices. You know how it is, when you react to something, when you're trying to decide something, or are simply around thinking about something. Those little voices in the back of your mind, teasing, tempting, nagging, pushing, pulling, yelling.... I've been doing some 'pieces' work lately and I've come to recognize a couple of those voices. Fortunately for me, and for you as well, I've come up with a great little analogy for these two in particular. 

Imagine if you will, a fly. Flies as a rule have short lives, and they know it, and because of that they spend every minute of their lives experiencing everything. everything. In order to get everything they possibly can out of those three days of life, they buzz around A LOT. And I mean a lot, they fly around here and there, testing everything, tasting, sensing, feeling, doing, working, playing, trying everything. They frantically search for new experiences, new highs, new lows, to explore! It's what they do. Sometimes to their detriment though. They only have three days to live, so they have a hard time standing still, they're unstable, they don't stand in one place for a very long time and always have one foot out the door, rarely committing to anything. 

Now, imagine a rock. Rocks are around for a long time, as a result they are in no particular hurry to do much of anything. Rocks are solid. Rocks are stable. Rocks stand still and are content (perhaps even happy) doing so. Rocks bask in the glory of being in one place for extended periods of time. Rocks are firmly rooted to the earth, are physically connected to the dirt around them. Rocks shoulder the weight of the world, support the earth around them and weather the storms.

Now, imagine the rock and the fly being tethered together by a broken rubber band (or bungee cord), one end on the rock the other on the fly. So now the rock and the fly need to live together, not necessarily a symbiotic relationship but both living through each other and potentially off of each other. The fly does what it does, it buzzes around interested in this, interested in that, pulling on that rubber band in every direction imaginable, but still able to try everything it wants to try and very aware of the rock at the other end. The rock does what it does, sitting around, being stable, feeling the earth, being still, not moved by the fly but quite aware that it's on the other end.

And somehow these two pieces, though quite different, manage to coexist. In fact it's much more, they actually like each other. They may disagree, but they appreciate the part their cohort plays in their life. The rock is stability for the fly, the fly is life for the rock. Then there are those times when they are able to work together. The fly tugs on the rubber band with such strength and determination that the rock has to listen, they like the same things after all, and when they come to the decision together that the direction the fly wants to go is the direction they both should go, the rock gladly pulls its mass from the earth and happily carries it's share of the burden forward.

And now I bring this back to myself, to my own voices. The one voice in my head desperate to get out, to run and play, to take a class, to date a girl, to read a book, to write a post. The other voice desperate to stay still, to play a game, to watch tv, to just sit and be. Before I could visualize those two individuals and distinguish between them in order to give them the appreciation and affection they desired, I would always find myself struggling to listen, with both voices yelling at the same time, merging into one, and me trying to be all to both, and rarely doing anything for either, or myself. But now I know their places, I know their jobs, I know their wants and desires and needs; for they are also my own, but they gnaw at me much less than they did before. Cheers.


Dear ie8.

ie8. I'm sorry, but I simply cannot do this anymore. We've had a good relationship, we've had good times and not so good. You know with the windows live plugins and easy of sign-ins and the smoothness of running Silverlight and streaming my zunepass songs over the web and the relative safety of surfing "In-Private" on all of those porn sites. It has definitely been a good ride, but unfortunately that ride has to end. I can learn to love and have actually defended you on your many little issues; flash problems, slow boot up times, saving passwords but not showing me where they are, not having an ad-block plugin, having icons that are way over sized, ridiculous internet zone settings, etc. But last night was the final straw; you know what happened, a beautifully written piece, a piece of my mind, heart and soul; lost with the click of a button...the Save button. To lose a 500 word post that meant a lot to me, is far more than I can take on top of all of the little things we've tried to get through before. 

I'm sorry, but it's over. It's not me, it's you. Cheers.

P.S. Sure, Chrome is a whore, but at least I can add a link in my post correctly.


to the person using linux

I love you. Anyone who can rock a linux box is tops in my world.  That's all I'm saying. Cheers.