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Evidently, if you are a real gamer, then you have a subscription to Game Informer (I refuse to link to these people), and because of your subscription you were able to get an in-depth look at Halo: Reach. I am not a subscriber (i.e. I don't pay for "exclusive content"), therefore I must not be a true gamer, hence I didn't read the in-depth look.

I am excited to see that EB Games had a nice little slip up and accidently released some images. For about twenty seconds apparently. You can download a lot of images in that amount of time.

I've been a little itchy for some new Master Chief action. Cheers.


fortunate cookie.

So, today the fortune in my fortunate (for me but not for the cookie since I ate it) cookie says:

Don't waste time on what might have been.

It's as if this cookie was written specifically for me. Yea, right, you're thinking, there are probably a million cookies with that same message. So I turn it over and the 'Learn Chinese' word is

Headache (tou tong)

Headache, because I am 1) quite the headache for some people and b) get migraines a lot.

Weird. I know.

My lucky numbers mean nothing to me, but I'm going to play the lotto regardless. Cheers.



iPhone people: you crack me up. I've given up making fun of your phone because it has miserable service, it drops calls, it doesn't handle data properly, is locked down like a fascist regime and it has 9,987 fart apps. 9,988 9,989... You obviously pay that no mind since it is a beautiful piece of shiny Apple hardware. I get that, it is indeed lovely. What I don't get, however, is why you think you need to whip it out of your pocket every five minutes. Who are you showing it off to? In case you hadn't noticed, 75% of the people on the train have one, and they're no more impressed by it than you are. Is it some sort of occult club? Was there kool-aid involved, because you appear to be on something.

Shame on me, I shouldn't judge; this is supposed to be about laughter. So, like I said, you whip that thing out every five minutes, (that's what she said) are you getting texts that often? No, because you don't type anything on it.

Phone calls? No, you don't answer them.

Emails? Perhaps, you seem to be looking intently at something, but you don't type anything to respond. It is, however, an email so you don't necessarily have to respond, especially if it's spam; which I get in my inbox once every twenty to thirty minutes, so that can't be it.

Are you changing songs? I've heard it's a mediocre mp3 player, but no again, lack of headphones.

Did you think you received a phone call/email/text and weren't quite sure so you had to check it? I've been there before, it felt like my pocket was buzzing, was that my phone.

Or perhaps you're looking at the phone and hoping, nay, praying someone will call you? I've been there too; I know unrequited love and I know about broken hearts.

Seriously, I really want to know.

What is it you are doing?! I don't understand, but I do find it humorous because I really do believe it's you trying to show the rest of the world that you have one. Like it's a status symbol, the Ferrari of cell phones: no one actually uses it, it's difficult to insure, costly to run, hard to drive, you worry about every dip, pothole, speedbump and chunk of whatever that has been shot through the air by the tire of another vehicle. Useless, but it's a Ferrari, and that makes it sexy. The iPhone however is not sexy; rarity and expense make things sexy, ubiquitous and affordable make things...gasp...normal... Sorry to hurt your feelings mePhone users, you're 3 years behind impressing me, but you do make me laugh, I guess that's worth something. Cheers.


the waiting is the hardest part

Yea, waiting isn't necessarily correct, but there's nothing wrong with a little literary license, especially where Tom Petty lyrics are concerned.

So I came across this beautiful little nugget today. I've always been a proponent of my finding a lady/girl/chick/woman/spouse/wife/companion/soulmate/sugar momma, who would allow me to stay at home and write blogs and surf for silly AP stories and read up on gadget news and of course, play video games all day. Notice take care of kids is not in that list. Anywho, it looks like my time may finally have arrived.

Click to read more ...


poe no moe

Yes, groan.

There have been very few people in our history who can match the seduction of Poe; both of his personal story and of his work. Sadly, there may be one less devotee in the world.