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the waiting is the hardest part

Yea, waiting isn't necessarily correct, but there's nothing wrong with a little literary license, especially where Tom Petty lyrics are concerned.

So I came across this beautiful little nugget today. I've always been a proponent of my finding a lady/girl/chick/woman/spouse/wife/companion/soulmate/sugar momma, who would allow me to stay at home and write blogs and surf for silly AP stories and read up on gadget news and of course, play video games all day. Notice take care of kids is not in that list. Anywho, it looks like my time may finally have arrived.

This study is a socioeconomic comparison of the years between 1970 and 2007 concerning native-born 30-44 year olds; specifically concerning marriage, education and household incomes. To me, marriage has always seemed like a nice way to double your effective income as well as earn a tax break or two; despite the 'marriage penalty' nonsense. This data, assuming you trust statistical analyses from Pew Research, proves me correct, showing that "The superior gains of married men have enabled them to overtake and surpass unmarried men in their median household income." Yea, we may not need to share our money but you have waaay more of it. That's not even the kick in the gut; college educated, unmarried men's household incomes increased 15% over that time, but married men with only a high school diploma saw an increase of 33%. Wow. Maybe I should have not gone to college, stayed in Evansville and got married. BAH HA HA HA. No fucking way! No offense. Even unmarried women, disregarding education, saw an increase in household incomes of 60% over that time period. However;

In 1970, 28% of wives in this age range had husbands who were better educated than they were, outnumbering the 20% whose husbands had less education. By 2007, these patterns had reversed: 19% of wives had husbands with more education, versus 28% whose husbands had less education."

Go women's lib! I should be dumber. Wait, I actually am dumber, I haven't dated a girl without an advanced degree since shortly after college. I'm like a statistical aberration. Sweet.

I'm not going to bore you with more; read the full report for yourself. It really is interesting and it's geeked out with pretty bar graphs and pie charts and XY scatters with sexy trendlines and I can't possibly do it justice. The point is, maybe it's time for me to stop putzing around and increase my household income, oh, I mean, find the love of my life.

And for my compadres, the single people out there, by far the best part: "Among U.S.-born 30- to 44-year-olds, 60 percent were married in 2007, compared with 84 percent in 1970." We're crawling to the majority, maybe we'll finallly be able rid ourselves of those damned Kay Jewelers commercials and abolish Valentine's Day. Cheers!

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