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So are people complicated or do I enter a state of complicated about people of my own accord. I've decided that since I am typically in a state of complication when dealing with people that those are the only two possibilities here.

I don't know what more to say about it really. I've been told that I complicate things, that I am complicated (in a bad way) and that because of my complicated nature I make things less simple than they should be, or better yet than they preferred (thanks to Amber for that nugget). I'd never call myself simple but I do believe that I am able to be simple when the time calls for it. Maybe?

But then again I am aware of other people and in my dealings with them I have noticed that they too, can be complicated. I've been in situations where I am not being the complicated one (well, maybe the less complicated one) and that while I may be party to the general complication of things I am not the one complicating the situation. Hmm. Maybe I'm wrong there. Maybe my involvement in the situation made the situation complicated. Or maybe I find myself drawn to situations that I know would be complicated, I know I did that recently. So now we're back to the previous paragraph. 

But no, surely I am not the only person in the world who complicates things. Otherwise we wouldn't even HAVE the word complicate. We'd call it Daynicate or something. How AWESOME would that be, to have something (not a disease) named after yourself. Brilliantly awesome, that's right. 

So I'm going to take from this conversation with the Universe that I am not the only thing in the world that makes the world complicated. That while I can be a complication to things due to me being a deep and complex thoughtful individual, I am not always the complicator. Because frankly, life is complicated. Chaos theory.

Glad we sorted that out. Cheers.

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