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attention [n. uh-ten-shuhn; interj. uh-ten-shuhn] əˈtɛnʃən

1. concentrated direction of the mind, esp to a problem or task
2. consideration, notice, or observation: a new matter has come to our attention
3. detailed care or special treatment: to pay attention to one's appearance

( usually plural ) an act of consideration, courtesy, or gallantry indicating affection or love: attentions given to a lover


Every needs a little (some of us crave a lot!)


i'm never missed when I slip away.

Although the days keep getting busier and busier, you are becoming more adept at blocking out the excess noise. The choice is yours; you can also walk away instead of engaging in all the commotion. Make use of the time you gain by relaxing in a quiet space. Meditating or daydreaming can help you recharge your batteries today. If you're lucky, you might not even be missed when you slip away for your little escape.




sometimes my horoscope feels like a therapy session

The Moon forms an uncomfortable semisquare with your key planet Venus today, tying your feelings up in knots. A simple desire becomes more complex as you obsess about the power that love has over you. However, your worries may just be the result of an overactive imagination. Don't waste time thinking about something that may never happen. You'll be happier if you keep your attention on the present moment.


I don't know. I usually have my feelings tied up in knots. My simple desires have always been more complex. (Some may say complicated). Though I am quite sure that my worries are the result of my overactive imagination. 


the unfuzzing

There inevitably comes times in your life when certain circumstances, certain behaviors, certain reactions to the outside world make sense. When one lives their everyday life in a mire of answerless questions as to the why do I do this, how can I be that, where did I go wrong, when did I choose to be this way, what have I become and who am I, they invariably grow tired, sad, discontent and may even start to shun the people, activities and happenings of everyday life. That's pretty sad, n'est pas?

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The system is BROKEN.

Something is very wrong here. Chicago just had it's first real, open Mayor election in 22 years, but that's not what makes this year historical at all. The historical fact is that the election had a 42% turnout. 42% of the eligible voters in the city of Chicago voted. That makes me angry. I mean really angry, and what doesn't help is that the Chicago Tribune reports the tournout as "underwhelming", the Daily Northwestern calls it "disappointing", the Sun-Times didn't call it anything; and all in stories that are like fourth or fifth in the order of importance on their sites. I had to search for the effing things to even find them. They're too busy covering the glad-handing and back patting these elected officials are giving each other; none of whom give two shits about who didn't vote and why.

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