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the one ... and done?

Let's just say, for sake of argument, that there is a one and only for everyone. This is not something I agree with, because the math doesn't work and because things like distance, etc., make it quite unlikely that this is the case; however, since I love to, nay, get my rocks off from playing devil's advocate, I want to hash this out. I mean even I, the consummate disbeliever in stuff, have thought about this very thing.

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dangerous damsel dream

Despite the little sleep I seem to get anymore; you persist in making appearances in my dreams and subsequently haunting my waking. Dreams consisting of memories of the times spent together, memories of the few things shared together, memories of the things felt in common but dared not uttered and fantasies of the potential for an impossibly perfect time, place, event; a future filled with our desires sated, our hearts warmed, our minds engaged and our souls fulfilled, through each other. Dreams that only well-suited, attuned, compelling, enticing, potentials of the opposite sex can illicit.

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in a non-gilded cage.

For how much longer will I make decisions and take actions that ensure I will be alone? Forever? It certainly seems that way. I subconsciously choose women whom I know will want to have nothing to do with me. I consistently spurn the ones who do want to have something to do with me. And at the outset of most relationships (meaning everything from simple friendships on up) I test their interest and their sincerity.

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just like yesterday?

Your reliability can earn the respect of your associates, especially if you're willing to make a decision today and stand by it. Even if your ideas are unpopular, your serious demeanor convinces others to go along with your choice because they realize how much thought has gone into your response. Nevertheless, picking one side over another is still tricky business, so give yourself permission to change your mind if you are so inclined.

Okay, horoscope, you're killing me with a description of my every day. You're going to have to come up with something new or I'm going to have to find a different horoscope. Ah, who am I kidding? 




my raw energy will rock your world.

You're like a Bull on a rampage today as you gain momentum and strive to reach your goals. You may not have any superpowers, but your determination can be so strong and your energy so raw that most obstacles will simply dissipate as you reach them. Nevertheless, it's not wise to be overconfident, for there is plenty of work yet to be done. Now is the best time to get busy.
