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where everybody knows your name

What does it mean to belong somewhere? How does it feel to belong somewhere? Is feeling comfortable in a place an essence of the place, your comfort with it, the people and places there, a state of your self, or all of the above? I'm not sure I know. I'm not sure I'd understand it if it hit me. At what point do you stop looking for where you belong and belong where you are?

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abort, retry, fail? II

I thought abort, retry, fail? was a nice title. I remember the days when something in MS-DOS would crash out and that little message popped up asking what to do. I always wondered what precisely each of those things meant to the people who coded it. But I think it pertains to life as well. Obviously, or I wouldn't be writing about it. What is the difference between abort and fail? Aren't they essentially the same thing? I'm sure there's something somewhere which shows what they mean but maybe looking it up would destroy the magic.

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abort, retry, fail?

Not all fuck ups can be fixed. As an engineer I've learned how to correct a lot of errors, mistakes, missteps, and screw ups knowingly and unknowingly made. As an engineer I've learned that most things can be corrected, through engineering, through calculation, through judgement, and sometimes through blatant (albeit perfectly legitimate) manipulation of the facts, circumstances, and/or characteristics. We love our factors of safety, our limitations of models and formulae, our seemingly unlimited iterations of possible solutions, and our good engineering judgement.

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the interview and the call

An interview is a scary proposition. Your career up until that point, and to a certain extent, your personal life is opened like a book and examined by someone else. Who knows what thoughts that other person has, what perceptions of your life and career their perspective has on it.

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for reasons unasked

I am sick of seeing all of the bullshit memes about guns and gun violence and gun control. The first thing I think when I see a mass shooting is what is wrong with this poor person for him/her to think this would solve their problems? The first thoughts shouldn't be more guns, less guns, less video games, less violence on tv, less violence in music. I understand the initial reaction is to attempt to force control onto an uncontrollable situation by eliminating the means and methods of these acts. If you want to ameliorate the side-effects of something without asking the questions why and finding an answer and attacking the root cause then you're doing a disservice to everyone. You're just jumping on a bandwagon that's about to roll off of a cliff, and frankly, we might all be better for it. The question is figuring out why people are killing other people. The answer is mental health. The attack is UNDERSTANDING and TREATMENT.

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