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Puzzles provide a strange metaphor for life. And I mean strange because such a simple thing translates into a myriad of examples from the everyday mundane to the lifelong overarching.

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the universe...

... is amazing. In the original definition.

Thank you for continuing to inspire awe within me despite my thinking I'm no longer able to be awed. 


Happy Birthday

I just want to call and say it. I just want to get a card and send it. I just want to show up and blurt it out. I just want to throw my arms out and give a birthday hug. I just want to grab and give a birthday kiss.

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doing scary things

Bravery. Courage. Daring. Heart. It's interesting to think of the number of things I've done, or decisions I've made based upon pure fear. How being scared of a thing controls, and by controls I mean I allow myself to be controlled, my actions. Frankly I'm quite sick of it. Sick enough of it for some seriously drastic action. I lost, and by lost I mean threw away, FOR A SECOND TIME the best chance at happiness over a bunch of fear.

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things go

I started this years ago with the hopes that taking my thoughts and putting them into words and getting them out of my system would be a cathartic aid in my journey to "wellness", whatever the fuck that means.

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