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Entries in Life (34)



Puzzles provide a strange metaphor for life. And I mean strange because such a simple thing translates into a myriad of examples from the everyday mundane to the lifelong overarching.

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The 5 Stages of Migraine

Stage 1: Holy shit, is that my head? Is it hurting? I think it's hurting. That may be pain I'm feeling. Quick, get a lot of water, find something caffeinated, eat something, pop and excedrin. Wait, I have that medication the doctor gave me, what's it called Trix? Twix? Trexamine? Triox? Triceratops. That's it, Triceratops. Where did I put that? (Take Triceratops, if works go to Stage 4)


Stage 2: Crap, that didn't work. Pop more excedrin. Lose track of time, space, reality. Get more water. Find more caffeine. Eat something else. Turn off all lights. Close all blinds. Try to lie down to go to sleep. Nope, hurts head more. Find comfortable lounging position. Turn on TV, lower volume. Cover face with pillow. Throw up. 


Stage 3: Can't sleep. Eye twitchy. Rub sore eyes. Try to lie down. Hurts more. Throw up again. Pace endlessly. Try for an hour to re-acquire lounge position. Rub head until raw. Pray to the gods of Olympus, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Satan, Wicca for relief. Stare blankly at wall. Await death. Pass out from misery and pain.


Stage 4: Hung over. Confusion. Cotton mouth. Nausea. Achy head. Sore body. Empty stomach. Lack of motor function/balance. 


Stage 5: "Normalcy" Thank gods for intervention. Mourn loss of time. (Typically 1 week)

the answer to life, the universe and everything. 

I've often been told, and somewhat agree with the statement that the Universe, god, budda, whatever, provides me with what I need at that particular time. Be it a person to tell me that I need a haircut, be it a cat who reminds me that petting a cat is at times soothing, be it a song that reminds me of who I am and where I'm from. Unfortunately no one tells me what this thing placed before me is for or why I need it, or when, if ever, this thing is going to be good for me. That's the trick I suppose, I cannot learn if someone just tells me the answers....

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the unfuzzing

There inevitably comes times in your life when certain circumstances, certain behaviors, certain reactions to the outside world make sense. When one lives their everyday life in a mire of answerless questions as to the why do I do this, how can I be that, where did I go wrong, when did I choose to be this way, what have I become and who am I, they invariably grow tired, sad, discontent and may even start to shun the people, activities and happenings of everyday life. That's pretty sad, n'est pas?

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girls are scary

The truth of the matter is, you scare the crap out of me. Mentally. Emotionally. Physically. Mentally: You have a mind that defies my explanation at times. I think I'm an intelligent human being, and have been told so by people other than my mother and my therapist, which leads me to believe it is actually true. However, there is something about your intellect, your wit, your use of the English Language and the way you take words apart, turn them inside-out and upside-down then use them again in a wholly different way that amazes and terrifies me. I love words. I love manipulating words. I love finding the tertiary meaning of a word and putting it to use in daily life, and frankly, the way you make words bend to your every will and whim knocks my socks off. I have always been challenged by the female mind, so much so in fact that it makes women a hell of a lot more interesting to be around than men. But scare me to death it does.

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